Tuesday 9 April 2013

A PriNCe InLoVe

Having stuck in so many dilemmas added with 1 pushover guy, a lonely girl has no choice except to blurt our lies. After one lie to another, it slowly became a habit and later she was in a bigger mess.
A tall, tanned guy with a neat spiky hair who happens to pass by, stop the car, roll down the window, take a glance, open the car door and say 'Hi, my name is Aniq'
The girl look up, give a stare, mumble to herself and walk passed him.
But he didn't stop there. He is persistent and had really fallen for head over heals for her.
She does not need another drama, but probably he is just fine for her mess.
They get together and become closer. Soon he was her survivor and she can't live a day without him.
But Aniq has a secret. A secret that was too late to tell, cause now she's forever gone.
He blame himself and punish himself all day and all night. But til one day he learned that he was not at fault.
Now using his royal line, his empire, his arm forced, his influence & his power, he's after the girl who broke his heart.
On that day, he will break her heart in million pieces, he will disappoint her countless time, he will make her cry like a river & he will make her heart hurt so bad that it was so hard to breath, to eat or to sleep.
But why right now, his standing in front of her with a gun pointed to his head?

~ i'll proudly pass a prince charming, now that i found you

~ i'm giving up everything for her safety

~ i don't have anything yet alone to offer anything, but i'm here to offer you my heart, my mind, my soul, my body, my hugs, my kisses, my joy, my smile, my laughter, my life, my dreams & my future for eternity.

~i'll accept your offer if only you add also... ur cry, ur, tears, ur sorrow, ur problems & ur worries with me for eternity.

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