Tuesday 9 April 2013

WiShiNG UpOn A SuPerStAR

he's a superstar, she is an island girl
he's adore by million fans, she is a troublemaker at school
but he's not that kind while she have the biggest heart human can find.

a disaster happen when the superstar car skidded at the side road, crash into a big rock and  flew of the cliff and keep rolling and rolling deep into the thick forest. it was days the rescue try to find the lost of their favourite superstar but after a month, the mission was stop and the superstar was declare dead.

a beautiful young girl stood at the waterfall and try to make a wish when she almost faint to see a dying bleeding guy in front of her. she startle at first but hurriedly carry/drag the guy to her house wishing that her grandparents can cure him.

when the young man woke up, he was blur and quiet and the saddest thing is, he hardly remember who he is. almost feeling sorry for him, but that annoying, obnoxious & irritating attitude of his really starting to get on her nerve. too bad they don't have money to ship him away, she figure. so the least she can do is to declare a war.

coincidentally a rich girl who are they far, far, far neighbor recognize who he was the moment that she met him. she try to talk through him but he had already feeling attached to the family who looked after him. when he refused, she threaten him with no wise men who can't say no.

although his feet are stuck to the ground, but with his heavy heart drag himself away and leave without a goodbye. when the girl woke up and find his not there, her heart start to ached, she feel uneasy, she can't breath, and slowly all her memory was wiped out.

7 years passed by, the superstar is now a man, he decide to come back and see the girl but a shocking truth are about to be told. can he accept and learn his mistake? are there still room left for the word sorry?


Somehow i understand now
The reason why U stop and look down

U couldn't bring URself up to talk about ‘breaking up’
Although our shadow tied when we hold hands,

But our reflections on the pavement will became blur 
When our feelings are no longer here

U must have met a different path,
One that could not fit me in,
So don't try to find the words to keep U here

Is probably best if U leave before the fog is clear

Why come to a goodbye?
Why is this the end?
But to say otherwise would be a lie

Even our hands grow colder since we let go
We’ll become strangers now before U know it
Why'd U cry after say sorry
Cause nothing can change even U are still here
So before memories change into pain
I sleep tonight and ignore my vain

But don't say goodbye...

U say U’ll be fine, that U'll doing ok
But I'm confused if that was a lie
Back then when our heart are one, we can read each mind

We will cheer each other while singing our favorite song,
But what's the used of that if U aren't able to share a smile

Is better if U make UR exit now,
Don't let the estranged feelings tangled more
Don't worry U'll be a super star live up in the sky
And all the people around the world can see U throughout the night

Even U didn't say a goodbye
And maybe later, regrets will hunt U all time
Keep believing what we share it's real 
Because we both felt hurt to let go
So if U ever wonder to come back
Don't forget UR path here
As I might be looking at the star up in the sky
Wishing upon my SUPERSTAR,
So, don't say goodbye...

The lyrics have been changed for the purpose of this story. For those who don't understand, it's a lyric written by the superstar to himself. So each U in the lyrics, he was preferring to himself.
Enjoyed =)

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